Advokatfirmaets hvidbog hævder, at amerikanske bankregulatorer fører en 'hemmelig finanskrig' mod kryptovirksomheder

According to a recent white paper published by four members of the law firm Cooper & Kirk, PLLC, OS. bank regulators are attempting todrive crypto businesses out of the financial system.The paper, med titlen “Operation Chokepoint 2.0,claims that after

Krakens Jesse Powell tager sigte på nyligt lancerede proof-of-reserve-lister, POR-revision 'kræver kryptografisk bevis'

World Cup, amid the many conversations concerning crypto exchange proof-of-reserves, Kraken executive Jesse Powell shared a screenshot of’s newly launched proof-of-reserves (POR) dashboard. Powell said he planned to be “more assertive with calling out problems,” and he stressed that a

Amerikanske lovgivere ser Kinas autoritære undertrykkelse af krypto som en stor mulighed

Several U.S. lawmakers see Chinas authoritarian crackdown on cryptocurrency, herunder bitcoin, som “a perfect opportunity for American leadership on cryptocurrency.One senator noted that it isa reminder of our huge structural advantage over China.US Lawmakers Comment on Chinas Cryptocurrency